Kingston, RI
We were called recently for a cabinet refinishing project for a kitchen in Kingston, RI. They wanted to change the color of the island piece in a kitchen, it was mauve. The cabinets were stained cherry. When I got there I noticed the cabinets had not yellowed or turned orange yet which they do. The color was nice and clean . The size and layout of the kitchen supported the usually outdated stained look, and this proved to be one of the few cases where a stain looks good. So it was retained and refreshed. The island was the only change. Because of the character of the wood in the cabinets, it did not call for a specialized finish. It was painted with an accent in some of the detail grooves . The whole thing looked awesome. It’s not the norm by any means, but it was nice. The kitchen remodeling and cabinet refinishing came out beautifully!
Smithfield, RI
This is a kitchen in Smithfield, RI that is indicative of a growing trend. White kitchens are classic, but covering up an upscale cherry kitchen that was not cheap when purchased, has the cabinet companies scratching their heads. There are good reasons for doing this, which I discuss during appointments. I’ve done a lot of these lately, and after completing them, it’s easy to see it makes sense. It’s not for everyone, and we still refinish stain, and bring it back to life, plus hundreds of other options that the highest end cabinet shop doesn’t even know exists.
Providence, RI
This kitchen in Providence, Rhode Island seems to be typical of so many I see now. When I first arrived, I found maple light stained cabinets on oak hardwood. I don’t know how so many got constructed like this. It doesn’t work at all in most cases. This person knew she didn’t like her cabinets. They are smooth because they are maple. Painted smooth cabinets don’t always offer the most exciting choice. They seem to call out for a custom glaze, or some special finish. But as we can see, paint will work just fine sometimes. The kitchen transformed from a forest of wood to a right up to date modern living space with paint and counters and a few odds and ends. When I went to photograph this kitchen , I found myself enjoying looking at it, and was not in a hurry to leave.
Barrington, RI
This kitchen cabinet refinishing project from Barrrington R.I. Was a pleasant surprise . It just goes to show what a little design skill or vision can accomplish . This was an ordinary plain stain maple that yellowed , which makes a boring kitchen worse. It was done in solid paint with a custom blended low metallic accent in the detail grooves. The large flutes were hand painted with the same mix. With some thought and design savvy , this kitchen was transformed into a kitchen anybody could be proud of.